Positively Optimistic
Lover of Life, Music, and People
I am an advocate of music, communication, and youth.
I am a promoter of learning to love oneself. This includes self-esteem, self-awareness, self-compassion, and self-care. I champion the idea that learning to communicate and treat others with compassion helps us heal our souls. (Soul Food)
I support those whose purpose is to speak out and bring attention to social issues, positively encourage others, and provide healing through music. ♥
The more more positive our communities become, the more happiness is in this world. People love music, and music is art.
Music is a universal language and the affect it has is beautiful. Powerful music will find a way across the world. Fans will translate lyrics and share the love globally.
My passion lies in supporting those artists, the ones who share a piece of themselves in this “sound art”.
I have seen first hand the twinkling in the eyes of the fans. I have read the stories told about how music reached listeners ears when they needed it the most. The music or supportive word from an artist saved someones life. Music is essential, and this sentiment echoes across generations, gender, and many other invisible lines.
I have also seen pride and joy on the faces of the artists standing in front of those who love them. Those moments a performer is able to come face to face with people who love what they do. I have witnessed the interaction as the person who shared their vulnerability as an artist are able to stand in front of people who appreciate and cherish their hard work as fan. Both parties feel validated and a deep connection made.
This interaction when witnessed energizes my soul, feeds me to my core, and as I drink it all in, I want nothing more than to protect this precious cycle.
My goal is to assist those who create. To help artists develop into the best version of themselves. Hardships will be had, and it is essential to have good support. Through communication and group training I can arm young leaders and band mates with tools for problem solving. Through fortifying the inner self my aim is to remove suicide ideation. Emotions are a catalyst for art creation, but when we lose someone to intrusive thoughts, everyone feels the pain and loss too.
My aim is to give tools, training, and a safe space to explore feelings and a deeper sense of self without becoming lost. Through communication education and being a supportive role model, I will make a difference.
To those reading this who make art, who allow themself to be vulnerable, who are brave enough to put your work out there. I see you. I believe in you, and you are not alone.♥